Prefix (08) 6168

General Information
Phone Type Landline
Country Australia
Region Central and West Region
Geographical Area Perth

Recent Comments about Numbers Starting with Prefix (08) 6168

Caller Type: Scam

BEWARE OF SHELLEY CROWLEY AKA = MICHELLE HEFRINGTON Perth con artist . Address for all her business including ACOM Commercial is fake , phone numbers are fake , if you have doubts check them yourself . She has no receptionist and no one by the name of Melissa works for her , she does not have a address or work premises . She will not take u to court her threats are as fake as she is because she would be put in jail for corruption if she steps inside a court room . Shelley Crowley is a con artist currently targeting customers in the Bunbury area as people and trades around perth are aware of her . Shelley owes HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars to unpaid trades she hires then does a runner from . Has been sued and people have tried to sue her but she is good at hiding and running away . ABN search on her will show many ABNs taken out on various businesses she would rip people off under . This woman has no shame or any moral respect please report her to your local police station so she finally gets caught . Also she is NOT , I repeat.... she is NOT the project manager for Acom Commercial . She is playing that role as she is the one making decisions from start to finish . For more info just google Shelley Crowley and see for yourself . STAY CLEAR OF SHELLEY CROWLEY AKA MICHELLE HEFRINGTON Now she goes under the new business name taken out july 2022 THE BUILDING AND RENOVATION COMPANY

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