Prefix 0497 838

General Information
Phone Type Mobile
Country Australia
Mobile Phone Company Telstra

Recent Comments about Numbers Starting with Prefix 0497 838

Caller Type: Scam

Claims his mother died of cancer daughter is a nun etc etc etc wife left him Engineer claims etc etc etc
Caller Type: Scam

Meet on RSVP said he was an engineer he was leaving for overseas Norway Oslo for a couple of months and needed money his name's James Snowden
Caller Type: Unknown

Met on RSVP dating site claims baby died 14 hours after birth and wife died 7 years ago from breast cancer
Caller Type: Unknown

Husband and wife scammers claim dead son story on dating sights .! Googled email address. Has full story
Caller Type: Unknown

RSVP scam same as above comment beware
Caller Type: Scam

RSVP online dating scam. Claimed that wife and only son killed in a car accident.

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