Prefix 0478 707

General Information
Phone Type Mobile
Country Australia
Mobile Phone Company Optus

Recent Comments about Numbers Starting with Prefix 0478 707

Caller Type: Unknown

I did a search on that number it comes from, Montoya, J Address 134 Cashel St, St Marys SA 5042, Australia
Caller Type: Unknown

Had a call from this number claiming their records showed I had been in a motor vehicle accident and would I like to pursue a claim. As I have not been in an accident within the last 20 years, this is likely some sort of scam or identity theft. me too
Caller Type: Scam

Had a call from this number claiming their records showed I had been in a motor vehicle accident and would I like to pursue a claim. As I have not been in an accident within the last 20 years, this is likely some sort of scam or identity theft.

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