Prefix 0434 159

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Phone Type Mobile
Country Australia
Mobile Phone Company Optus

Recent Comments about Numbers Starting with Prefix 0434 159

Caller Type: SMS

434 159 442 sent me a sms message saying my bank account may be suspended. Nothing more than a phishing exercise - ignore the message.
Caller Type: Political Call

I received a phone call from +61 434 159 844 to my cellular number on Saturday May 10, 2020. No Voicemail was left. I was enrolled in a Cert IV of Cyber Security at a College in Victoria however due to the significant breaches in Privacy Laws and the collection of personal and private personal information (along with a class instructors incompetence and completely lack of care and his definition of help being that of doing a question for you without an agility to explain why it what the reasoning for the need his need to complete a certain procedure and also the student services centers inability to assist in any way whatsoever ever including following up by phone calls text messages or emails to see how you are managing. Left me bewildered. The Department of Education and Training’s information collection via linking cellular devices, notebook computers and iPads or other tablets with the intent of collecting personal data as well as data relating to education was my primarty concern and the government contracted recruitment agency who was not only awarded a multi-million dollar contract to assist graduates find employment were also being either sold or were directly collecting personal information to use to build profiles on all students and share with multiple government departments to start major profiles on the what I would imagine would be a start to their entire citizen wide profiling initiative to further the most desirable and able members of society from those who are the least desirable and those who may even who may fall to pressure to complete work to keep there privacy secret as long as they work in a department they can complete work for at a rate far less than the minimum and the capabilities they have with personal data is endless and it’s no wonder oils was surpassed by data as the most expensive commodity to any organization, corporation, government agency or enforcement agency, credit Leander’s and banks as well as anyone with any personal secret which they may not want to disclose to others, despite it being completely no one else’s business as well as it being completely legal and personal. For anyone who values their privacy or is a very private person. Forget that the education system is the start of collection of all Australians personal information weather it be related to the education facility or not they can and will have it available to ensure you comply with whatever it is they ask you to do! The future in Australia is extremely bleak, expecsillu as a nation that had spend so much of the taxpayers dollars on brainwashing campaigns such as drive a few kilometers over the limit and you will be ticketed, which is why on highways and freeways Australians should be traveling at 120kph to 130kph in metropolitan and urban areas and 140kph in all rural areas yet because the government decided to see how much they can influence the average Australian with license suspensions for not 30 days and without work exemptions while suspended but 90 day suspensions and no work or study exceptions and your neighborhood will determine if you will have the small chance of maybe using public transportation or catching a ride or completely needing to drive without the authority to do so. Or the least attractive and at the same time the most costly to ones pride; ones employment status and re-employement ability and the major cost to the national GDP output by removing a highly capable working person to be reliant on welfare for 3 months at a minimum and purchases far far longer. Costing the nation productivity and the loss of taxes to pay out the welfare check every 2 weeks. All on account a speed camera caught someone in essence of 6kph on a “Highway” a tiring name for a slow limited trafic limit. 100kph or 62mph the limit in most Australian Metro and major Highways. Where the rest of the modern world the US and Canada for example having a 120Kph limit with a 21 to 30kph before a speeding ticket is even issued and 90% of Canadian provinces and US states not using a demerit point system and if they do one needs to exceed 20mpb to be issued a 1 point against their 5 point per 13 month total anything over the 5 points will include a 30 day suspension with work and stud privileges. Europe has no limits or 130kph on most Highways and the UK has permitted a 80mph limit on most highways the US and Canada both prohibit the use of Cameras to issue points as it is untreliable and can’t be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the cameras are correct, the awustralian Cameras are right and if you dare challenge a judge you will be told that your mistaken and you will have pay for fine and have your points added to your license all 13 of them per 36 months. With 4 points per many violations that wouldn’t even receive anything more than a fine if that in the US and Canada. Yet in Australia using a Cellular device doubt be a $125 fine it will be a $500 fine and also 4 points, as for an adult driver not wearing a seat belt constituting a fine and also around the $120 mark with even the juristructiobs that issue points not permitted to issue them for not wearing a seatbelt. In Australia however if you don’t wear a Seat Belt well the $500 fine and 3 points will ensure you do in future and even if you believe they cause more likely cause of severe injury in an accident, too bad it’s the Governments way or the highway so to speak. Travel at a speed so trivial in Europe the US and Canada such as 130kph on a 105kph zone you will 99% of the time be not pulled over for citation due to those who are traveling at 145-155kph or those traveling outside the prudent speed of traffic. For example 100kph When traffic is flowing at 120 or 130kph you are the person who will be cited for driving that would be classified as outside the prudent traffic speed, even where it’s marked as a 100kph zone limit. I’m Australia those traveling at 130kph will be fine $700 and automatically be suspended from driving for 30 to 90 days. With no work privileges and unlikely ever waning and the majority of theee will come from Speed Traps by the way of Camera’a which in Australia are now called “Saftey Cameras” “because Saftey cameras save lives” a complete load of communist garbage and implemented because the stage of Victoria collects billions of dollars in revenue in speeding violations which includes 6km over on a “high speed Expressway” Exceeding 10kph will result in a $375 fine and 3points either via a camera or officer citation. The cameras are robotic thus they can operate 24/7 in well hidden areas and also moved. Therefore 80% or tickets will come from Cameras which half the collection or income goes to the private company who installs the cameras for the life of the camera and the state revenue office will collect the other half the of the revenue, so if they state they collect $4b every year it’s likely $7B in a total fines on account of some very wealthy individuals who are sibilants, friends or in some way trading benefits via issueinf the contracts out to a certain company. Also it’s why police offices can travel at 140kph without sirens and without any emergency what so ever! They are let off all tickets while in police be hiked and where they are in Private vechiles as Long as they aren’t in a collision that makes news they will be let of DUI and speeding violations: as will most government officials in high places unless there is media that have caught the act in progress. However while civilians have 0.05% BAC unlike the U.K., US and Canada Australia is using the 0.05% BAC on the premise of Saftey yet they all along realize the major income to be made in all DUI fines, installation of Interlocks which are mandatory and installed by government contractors. The fact that most places in the world prohibit fines and most places don’t even use points Australian does and they use children and mothers and expensive commerizaps and a seemingly unlimited set of funds to do so. All to collect money as well ensure that people are always aware theta they are not free to to add they please and must not use a speed limit as a guild line but a serious mark that could cost a license suspension! Beware of or ya or else is what they have said on the roads as they have with semi-auto longarm firearms which one must jump a million hurdles as well as allow police into their private property at any time to inspect to ensure their forsaken is in the correct safe and ammunition is stored in a completely Different space. A person at the AMCA I was commiting a legal violation by broadcasting cable tv directly from the United dates with 200 Premium TV Channels all with local US Commercials and Live broadcasting, and much stop using that service or I may face severe fines. Which I paid no attention to as is still broadcast all TV in HD and in high quality without buffering direct from New York NY and pay $89 a month for which is compared to the monopoly that broadcast cheap second rate tv channels no ability for cbs, abc, nbc, cw, amc, fx, showtime, hbo, cnn, Fox News, HLN, BBC America, and 10 more news channels, 20 sport channels, and 20 movie cancels, 40 Entertainment Channels, multiplal premium services as well as time shift and a unlimited DVR with unlimited recordings, all prohibited local tv commercials such as Prescription Drug Commercials which range from Rx only to Controled substances which is a major breach of legality for some reason! I think it’s hilleruosy they believe they can get even close to catching me and fining new when I can use technology that about 0.01% of the words developed population may know about and I’m not taking VPNs or DNSs I’m talking things that aren’t even know to government at this point. One day in the next 5 years I will need to move from completely regular and non anonymized Internet to one of 4 different ways to continue to watch up to 8 TVs all permitted to be watched from a US Cable TV company to continue watching and I am stunned that people continue to watch the pathetic 4th rate Tv offered by a company owned by Telsta even the Philippines have more Cable TV choices and hundreds more TV channels and app from the states. And best yet is Canada which allows all US TV networks and Channels plus and multicast devices from the USA direct to Canada via all the Cable TV platforms. Australia is still in the 1970’s compared to the US, CNaada and A many developing nations such as the Philippines all on the basis of propaganda which they state “will end Australian culture as we know it.” “our children will be robbed of there heritage” (that says a lot about this particular journalists parenting; allowing their children to 1. Watch far to much TV, their lack of faith in the education system and also their personal belief that hitler style tactics are actually valid to use to people who have by enlarge been at least in a big way try and dumbed down! also it’s well established that accents only change by actually by conversing with the person who speaks that way in real time, not by listening to it! (Do your research). Australia is basically going to be the first casualty as a First World Nation with “democratic” rights (which actually by enlarge never existed or have been removed, all I the name of Saftey or other innocent proper (the remove all of provable cause to pull over a vehicle to pull over any person the police feel like pulling over for any reason and can stare a random BAC reading, now random Drug reading which is extremely inacurste and can return negatives for so many prescribed prescription medications. Soon they will state that Herioin to will be added to the list of substance that can be found yet anyone of the millions of Australians taking opiates will be suspended on the spot for an opium reading when it may be a prescribed medicine. The Fedral and State governments are working side by side to ensure that a severley conservative legal policy applies banning Australians or making it a legal activities illegal or prohibited and first will come w propaganda companies followed by a small fine followed by a criminal offense for watching anything other than Austaliab or British Tv and if more than 5 Hollywood produced movies a year. It sounds reductions but believe me Australia will make sure that if you look at a minority for a second to long you will be a hater and if you break a new policy that doesn’t allow porn, US TV, free speech or internet content that promotes free speech or democratic rights that will be fillteree out by the government sector which both have major parties Both agree on the only differ depending is taxes will be incredible and waged but waste on saved time on one ride and to watered all at once on the other it sounds crazy however you haven’t read the blue paper for moving toward digital I only complete control by regualtion, and those who are empowered to do so! It’s a sad state of affairs I would run as fast as you can to Centap America if you can’t get into Canada or a few of Europe’s most free nations all high in their taxes! The Caribbean may be another option also the USA will still hold government to standard and not take crap from complete farce as as “lay back and who cares if it’s at democracies sake”

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