0420 553 592

Information, reports and comments about the mobile phone number 0420553592.

Reports and Other Statistics
Safe Caller: 0
Unsafe Caller: 0
Searches: 25
Comments: 1

Is 0420 553 592 safe or not?

Most recent search date: June 29, 2024.

General Information
International Format + 61 420 553 592
Country Australia
Phone Type Mobile
Mobile Phone Company Vodafone

Originally, mobile phone number 0420 553 592 allocated to the Vodafone company. However, this may have changed due to number portability or usage by a mobile virtual network operator.

Comments about 0420553592

Mr Bob
Caller Type: Unknown

Received a text from this number saying “I had call from this number who u after”. There was no other info available, such as sender, date, time - legitimate text messages usually contain this info below the text when you scroll down. Do not trust this. Umber, I have now blocked it.

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About Results
We determine phone number company based on the first few numbers of the phone number because each mobile phone company is allocated numbers in blocks.
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Recent Comments about Numbers Starting with 0420

Caller Type: Scam

Scammer. Nuisance caller. Do not trust. Do not answer. Block.
Caller Type: Scam

Comm bank scam call alert we received a call to our not for profit organisation from 0420758255 as the Olivia fraud transaction scam caller. Advising us to click on a number of the phone key pad DO NOT DO IT, IT IS A DANGEROUS SCAM ACCESS ATTEMPT. HANG up wait. To call back do not call the number the scammer provides. Instead look up the banks alternate phone number and call them.
Caller Type: Scam

Automated scam call. "Your Vodafone usage is out of control and your service will be terminated. Press this or that for English or Chinese...".
Caller Type: Scam

Said "from NAB detected suspect funds in your account and we temporary block your account.Click......". I do not have a NAB account.
Caller Type: SMS

Fake Austpost SmS