Prefix (03) 9091

General Information
Phone Type Landline
Country Australia
Region South - East Region
Geographical Area Melbourne

Recent Comments about Numbers Starting with Prefix (03) 9091

Caller Type: Unknown

This person or company called me, and i answered, but no one replied, WTF
Caller Type: Telemarketer

That’s Vodafone’s partners
Caller Type: Unknown

Got a few phone calls from this number, scam, blocked it
Caller Type: Unknown

I received a few missed calls from this number before they called me when I was able to pick up. The person calling stated that they were calling on behalf of Vodaphone. As my phone is under a joint account, they wanted me to give the number of my mum (the one who pays for and is apart of the account). This sounded fishy as they should have my mum's number under their file. Respond as you wish.
Caller Type: Unknown

Caller Type: Unknown

said she was from vodafone and started by offering me a plan .I then cut the line as she tried to drill me further with questions.
Caller Type: Unknown

Called to discuss phone and plan with Vodafone. I also received a text from Vodafone stating I am speaking to someone from their head office, however not from original Vodafone texts I usually get. Unsure if scam or not.
Caller Type: Unknown

Received a blank call. No one on the other end.
Caller Type: Unknown

Vodafone not sure if scam or not
Caller Type: Unknown

Says they are with Vodafone, but nothing to back up

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